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About the newspaper founders:

Howdy, we are Peter & Diana Edstrom and live in Elbert County, we have a ranch just outside of the town of Elbert. Peter is a Colorado native and Diana hails from the east coast state of New York, although she believes herself to be a Colorado native. We love liberty, freedom the USA and all the opportunities that are provided from this great nation. The Code of West says “We Ride for the Brand” in this case the brand we are riding for is Elbert County.

Journalistic backgrounds, nope! Diana worked for AT&T for her entire career and retired as a National Project Manager; Peter has primarily been in the technology industry having had several companies, provided consulting for others, and most recently held the position as a Solutions Architect in the Audiovisual Industry.

A while back we began to look at the newspapers in Elbert County and realized that they did not provide much info related to the county, we felt like orphaned children; TV, radio, and newsprint have not prioritized reporting about Elbert County, there just were not any news outlets for us. Our question was, “How do we find information about what is happening in the county?” There was no median outlet for us to find out what was going on in the county, events, construction, roads, or to find out what action’s town, city and county governments were undertaking and how that would impact us. And that in brief is how we started this journey into the news world.

We felt that a paper based upon the first amendment was needed in this county and so, we are diving into an industry that we have no experience except as consumers and hope you will join us to create a great paper. A paper that honors news the way it used to be, investigative, factual, compassionate, and humorous, a voice for the people.

Join us by contributing story ideas, town updates, purchasing the paper from your local stores and subscribing to the Elbert County Tribune.

Happy Trails to All!